Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fucking Growing up

I cannot even believe how fast I grew up.  And I'm not talking about like Middle School and High School, about my first kiss and prom.  I'm tlaking about honest to God real life stuff.

I'm 25 and I'm planning Thanksigivng.  Trying to figure out how to prepare and serve a turkey.  Just a few years ago this was already set in stone for me.  I would come home, there would be turkey and gravy and mashed potatoes.  There would be side dishes and salads and rolls and drinks.  Now I'm heading the brigade of buffet.  And I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.  I've reasearched how to brine a turkey and what not to do and how to paln for extra time but I know I'll fuck up somewere.  I got drunk the nigfht before the nigt before tanksgiving.  And I might get drunk tomrrowm.  Then where will we be.  According to my watch the turkey must be out of te birne by 7.  Which may mean waking up at 6 to pull it out and wash it off.  My fridge is too small. ttere/'s not enough coutner sapce.  Will tere even be enoug food.



Last year my girlfriend had to make a decision: either fly home for Christmas or fly home for her best friend's wedding in June.  She chose wedding.  And spent Chrsitmas with my family.  Slept in my old room witjh me.  Th epoor thing had to decide, how to make a grown up financial decision.

I was in debt before I realized how hard it would be to get out.  And I don't even have THAT much dbet.  

Where has this gone.  Wat a loss of inconcene.

And I have to be at work at 6 am.

Fuck me.

- Capricornus

1 comment:

Somos Cinco said...

I just had this conversation with someone. You don't realize your growing up until... you already grew up and have 3 cats