Saturday, March 29, 2008

Trinity of Subjects

1) First of all, I must say, beofre anything else come to light it is fucking awesome to drink a beer in the shower. I have no doubt in my mind that physcists and biologists will suggest chemical resasons... but I am a man of the arts. And I am a firm believer in the idea that aesthetic is built on contrast. And I truly, madly, deeply believe in my heart of hearts taht one of the reasons a beer is so good in the shower is teh contrast between the cold beer and the hot shower. I stood enjoying it for the latter half of the post-work shower I took today. (An atypical habit for me however) I do reccomend if you haven't tried it, do.

2) My dear friend and I are btoh apparently pack rats. I was well aware of the idea that I was one, but had no idea he succeeded to the same tendencies. He said a phrase which must be documented (side note: we were btoh drunk, I stillam), "Dude, I know where it is. It's in one of four boxes. In the second layer. In the upper left hand corner."I have 3 words for you dear friend, "Exactly, dude. Exactly."

3) Lastly it must be noted that this friend was also searching for his cell phone while I was tlakign to him on it. I'm sure most of us are guilty of this stupidity but still, on si wont to laugh.
I miss you, dear friend. I miss you.

= Capricornus


Unknown said...

that is soooo cool.

Sorry Beautiful said...

um, I've been having shower beers for the past however many years I've been legal and everyone has been golden.

saratogajean said...

beer in the shower = best thing ever

Well, maybe not ever, but it became one of my favorite after-work rituals when I waited tables in a BBQ joint. It's also great after a long day at the beach/office/insert whatever the heck it is you've done over the course of the day. Seacrest out.

Lyla Lou said...

Whenever I drink in hot water, whether it's a shower, bath tub, hottub, etc I always manage to get drunk so much faster!

Anonymous said...

i've had many a shower beer. and yes, it's the contrast of the hot+cold plus the deliciousness of beer while naked. Awesome. I'm going to take a shower now.