I drank alone. In my lviing room. Not even my roommates ketp me company. Everyone I would have liked tospedn the evning with was indisposed, unavailable, out of town, or some combination thereof. Who says you don't need oxford commas?
My dad called me today. This is remarkable in and of itself. My dad has called me a hnadful of times since I left for college. BUt my sister called me first to warn me about my dad calling. Which has also happened only a few times.
My father is remarrying.
After being divorced for not quite a decade. And having a live-in girlfriend for most of that time.
This is upsetting. I think it seals the coffin on the family I once had. It is the final nail. Sunk hard on the lid. There was never any hope of resuceitation but it does hurt throw it in a hole and start pouring dirt on it.
I tihnk my father cheated on my mother. I have no proof. And this was never discussed but I remember a number of late evening phone calls where my sister and i were sushed away, my mother in tears, my father not around. And the arguments during that timeintensified.
MY father tried briefly to compare his girlfirend ot my mother. This was so outrageous I nearly snapped. It was one sentence in a 7 minute conversation but it was everything tome. The whole thing I felt wasabsurd. I suppose, I imagined my father might end up like his father. With a live-in girlfreind for the rest ofhis life. Times cahnge I guess. My father tried to re-assure me by promising my sister and i everything in his will. This was a nice gesture but not my primary concern.
So I will attend a wedding, against my better judgement, this winter.
For fuck's sake. Are you kidding me?